Lower Point Vicente Reservation

Here is a photo of two of my thumb drives.
One contains files dealing with scenic design and theatre productions I have recently been involved with.
The other contains files dealing with Marymount College, Measure P/The Marymount Plan, and The Marymount College Facilities Expansion Project.
Can you guess which one of the drives carries files dealing with Marymount?
I may take it to the City Council meeting where the subject of Dr. Brophy's promise to pay for the election will continue to be discussed.
Files are held by many individuals which contain Dr. Brophy's letter announcing that the college will pay for the election.
If Dr. Brophy's college gets away with not paying the promised costs, the taxpayers of Rancho Palos Verdes will continue to be stuck with the approximately $78,000 tab for the election.
That is $78,000 worth of funds that Marymount supporters claimed would not be borne by taxpayers of the city of Rancho Palos Verdes, they would have to pay.
I don't care what excuse Dr. Brophy uses and what he claims is the truth, but the facts are facts and here is one that needs to be repeated to Dr. Brophy and the members of the Board of Trustees of Marymount College.
Upon leaving a May, 2010 meeting of the Rancho Palos Verdes City Council, an encounter between Dr. Micheal Brophy, Mr. Don Davis, and myself occurred near the entrance to the Hesse Park Community Center.
During my questioning of both Dr. Brophy and Mr. Davis, I stated that any Special Election carried out on behalf of Marymount College's "Marymount Plan" happen, it would be the city's taxpayers that would have to pay for the election unless other revenue sources were provided.
Dr. Brophy challenged me on my statement but offered absolutely no answer to where election funds would come from, at that time.
Remembering that Dr. Brophy and other representatives of Marymount College stated over and over again that The Marymount Plan would be accomplished at "no taxpayer expense", I again challenged Dr. Brophy on the factual validity of that statement.
Again he had to reputable response to indicate that taxpayers would not have to pay for at least a portion of The Marymount Plan.
The discussion also included the concepts that the traffic mitigation documented in both The Marymount College Facilities Expansion Project and The Marymount Plan would require city taxpayer participation with funding, something that Dr. Brophy could not and did not deny.
Now Dr. Brophy seems to be claiming that the college is not responsible for the promised costs of the election because the city governors did not appear to accept the donation.
Ridiculous! Shameful! Disgusting! Snake-like, in my opinion.
Dr. Brophy promised and he should simply have the business office at Marymount College cut a check to the city for the costs of the election.
I also need to contend that I will hole everyone named in ads as supporters of Measure P at least somewhat responsible for Marymount not paying for the election like the supporters' representative, Dr. Michael Brophy promised.
I also will contend that those named in advertisements, wishing to run for a seat on the City Council will be reminded that their representative did not live up to his word, bond, obligation, and donation offered to all of the taxpayers of Rancho Palos Verdes.
If Dr. Brophy really cares about Rancho Palos Verdes as his college continues to advertise it does, then he needs to find some way to live up to his word for the sake and benefit of the college, the Board of Trustees, and potential candidates for City Council that were also supporters of Measure P, I strongly feel.