The seven candidates for two seats on the Rancho Palos Verdes City Council came together in front of the public and our T.V. cable channel's cameras for another forum.
This forum offered more information about the candidates' positions, I feel, and it may have helped more folks decide who they wish to vote for on November 3.
I had been waiting for my sample ballot and wondering if and when it would come. Fortunately, Terri and my sample ballots arrived in the mail today.
As you probably already know, my first endorsement went to Jeff Lewis. If we only got to vote for one candidate, then he was, is, and will be my first choice.
I also wrote that after tonight's forum I would offer my second endorsement.
Well that task was much more difficult for me because I wish beyond wishes I actually could have four votes instead of no more than two.
I would have absolutely no problem watching either Brian Campbell or Jim Knight elected along with Jeff Lewis in November. These two gentlemen offer leadership, experience, and service that can be seen, heard, and followed.
But I promised myself and others that I would offer a real endorsement for a second candidate and even though I would be very comfortable with Brian and Jim serving, I am more comfortable supporting Mr. Paul Tetreault as my second endorsement.
For me it comes down to considering how the future will unfold in our city as many issues of great importance continue to pile up within our borders and our shared borders with other communities.
I feel that having the only two candidates endorsed by four of the current members of the City Council says a lot about whether the new council makeup can work together dealing with some extremely significant issues coming up much quicker than we all can imagine.
I will offer some issues and how I heard some candidates talk about them and some of the real importance they are.
The San Ramon/Terra Paca canyons landslide potentials are going to be the next huge issue to fall on Rancho Palos Verdes.
I feel strongly that if voters vote to increase the Transitory Occupancy Tax from 10% to 12% and make if fall more in line with other communities, those extra funds could be steered towards both the San Ramon/Terra Paca and Portuguese Bend slide areas.
Goodness knows that folks who can afford to stay at Terranea and Value Inn can afford a simple 2% increase in the bed tax applied by our city.
Craig Mueller was the only candidate I have heard who stated his opposition to the T.O.T. increase, while he also endorsed spending funds to work on the landslide areas.
I think the small increase in revenues generated by the two transient occupant facilities in R.P.V. should help fun repairs to roads used by guests at both facilities. I also think that a use-tax on golf facilities at Trump and Terranea could also help fund repairs that benefit folks who play golf in Rancho Palos Verdes.
The night's forum also had candidates answer a question regarding on-campus housing at Marymount College and whether they supported that concept or opposed it.
Here again, Craig Mueller sat alone with his remarks that suggested to me that he considered all the others answered the question incorrectly.
What was striking from all seven candidates is that the entire question about on campus dorms will probably end up in court actions IF Marymount receives accreditation to become a four-year College.
All seven candidates should know that there are hardly any, if any Junior Colleges west of the Mississippi River that have on-campus housing while just about every single four-year institution of higher learning in the Nation has at least some kind of on-campus housing.
IF Marymount becomes a four-year College, their best chance of having on-campus housing built is simply go to court and sue the city and even individuals, if necessary, to have on-campus housing mandated for the business that is Marymount College.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Craig Mueller used his time wording his answer to the question to avoid stating support for on-campus housing at Marymount.
One of the first questions asked of all the candidates after they gave their 3-minute opening statements as to why they are running for City Council was basically "Why are you running for City Council?" Boy! What a waste of a good opportunity to ask a different question. Each candidate was offered another two minutes to restate their first 3-minute opening.
But of course, there was one 'brilliant' quote offered by one of the candidates to that wasted question.
One of the last reasons John McTaggart gave for why he is running for City Council AGAIN was,
"I just wanted to get back in the saddle."
John, it is time to allow others to ride herd on the residents. You have had your 20 years and you were great.
Also, it can be argued that those folks who began R.P.V. and were its first Council members, like John was, are the most NIMBY of us all. John even made reference to not wanting too much change in Rancho Palos Verdes.
Times change Mr. McTaggart whether we want them to or not.
I continue to feel that if Mr. Anthony Misetich could get out the vote by Eastview residents, he has a great chance of being elected to the Council.
Too many Eastview residents still have their hearts with San Pedro and being that long term R.P.V. resident Anthony Misetich lived in our city while he was also the Honorary Mayor of San Pedro just might mean votes for him from folks living in my neck of the woods.
It is true that we need to be on good relations with the behemoth that is San Pedro/Los Angeles. Anthony states that he has many connections in many communities and that can also be considered, I feel.
The survival of Terranea was on the minds of all the candidates and that is a good thing. Many of them suggested that they supported the T.O.T. rebate and the revocation of it when the applicant could not agree to the terms.
I think many of the candidates would be open to looking at something to help support the resort in the future but most of them agreed that the issues that brought about the first application for the rebate won't come back again.
If I remember correctly, Paul suggested that if someone named Trump was to buy Terranea and ask for a rebate of T.O.T. fees, he would be inclined to refuse "The Donald". I liked that!
View restoration was also brought up at the forum. Again because of where I live, it is not really germain to many of us in the Eastview area. But that doesn't mean it is not important to many R.P.V. residents.
All the candidates provided reasonable answers to the question about view restoration, I felt.
I think that when John McTaggart admitted the omission of a sunset clause for filing about views, that was something agreed upon by others.
Craig Mueller and Jim Knight received the endorsement of the Sierra Club. To me, that is a good thing. I hold it in much better regard than any endorsement from our Congressman, which Brian and John claimed they have received.
There is another forum on October 14, beginning at 7:00 P.M., again at Hesse Park.
I know this latest forum and the last one were taped and have been and will be shown on either channel 33 or 35 or both. Check you listings to find more information.
Here is where my thinking is as I finish this post.
Jeff Lewis had the strongest showing at both of the last two forums. But since I was already a supporter of his, you can take that however you wish.
Paul Tetreault again came out of the gate with just a slightly less stumble than last week but he made up for it answering the questions. I think he and Jeff would be the best gentlemen to work with members of the Council for the next two years on some very important issues.
Brian Campbell was very strong and believable and he is quite qualified to sit on the Council in my opinion. I wish I had four votes. Brian supports the Annenberg land acquisition.
Jim Knight was very strong and believable and he is quite qualified to sit on the Council in my opinion. I wish I had four votes. Jim is endorsed by the Sierra Club.
Anthony Misetich is quite qualified to sit on the Council, in my opinion. He has experience when dealing with other communities and if he could get Eastview folks to support this Miraleste resident, I think he would receive lots and lots of votes.
Craig Mueller's experiences in serving Rancho Palos Verdes are exceptional and he served on the Planning Commission AND the General Plan Update Committee. Other than John McTaggart, he has a list of activities for our city that can't be equalled by the other five candidates. Some of the answers to questions he gave has given me enough pause to wonder where he really stands on issues important to me and many others.
John McTaggart made the comment that he wants to get back into the saddle. I continue to feel that he has served us well and that he should step aside and support others in having the chance to do what he has done. Let him be a mentor to others holding seats on the Council.
I am comfortable in knowing there are five candidates currently running that I feel could serve our community very well. Unfortunately there are no more than two that we are allowed to vote for. If I voted for four my ballot would be rejected, so I can't do that.
My sample ballot has only two other issues on it. There is an election for the Public Library District and the increase in the T.O.T.
I urge everyone to vote FOR increasing the T.O.T. by a mere 2%. It really is a user fee that can help our community welcome visitors and support residents who use Palos Verdes Drive East, Palos Verdes Drive South, 25Th Street in San Pedro, and other routes that could find funding for needed repairs.
I think our city's residents already pay enough for the maintenance of roads they do not normally use and I think it is more than fair that those who want the views and roads to luxurious places along our coast should help pay for the upkeep of those roads.