Did you get the Voter Information Guide in the mail?
You know, the one with the eagle on the front and endorsements on the back.
In very small lettering from this "non-partisian" mailer's front side is the following:
"Not paid for or authorized by candidates not designated by an *."
Looking on the back, let's see who's names have a "*" after them and therefore authorized and paid for the mailer.
Well, that would be Anthony Misetich.
Mr. Brian Campbell notified many that he DID NOT AUTHORIZE or pay for the mailer in which his name has the erroneous asterisk by it.
Now, let's look to see who Anthony is stating, in his paid mailer, is endorsing him.
"Local Democrat leaders."
For anyone who knows what has been going on since "W" was in office, Republicans and other conservates use "Democrat leaders" as a term of derision.
It would be the same as if people called folks "Republic leaders" instead of "Democratic leader"
or "Democratic Party leaders".
So you now know that Mr. Misetich uses a term that the dictionary would suggest more of a ridicule against Democrats and Democratic leaders.
But that is only the start of the problems.
Look closely to the powerful Republican leaders who are listed on his Web site as endorsing him.
Here are just a few "Republic leaders" (See, I did what Misetich did):
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher
Supervisor Don Knabe
Supervisor Mike Antonovich
Now one might think, if Mr. Misetich was truly considering himself in the center of the political spectrum, he would have placed these names of prominent and serving conservative leaders on the mailer instead of a Councilwoman who doesn't represent the city of Rancho Palos Verdes and a former Senator.
I don't see current State Senator Rod Wright's name as a supporter of Anthony Misetich.
There is a former L.A. City Councilman listed as a supporter. That would be Mr. Rudy Svornich and that will eventually lead us towards another cliff Mr. Misetich threw himself over rather than supporting the thousands of Residents in the Eastview and Miraleste areas of the city he is running to be a councilman in.
So what does this "non-partisian" mailer try and get folks to think?
Mr. Misetich is attempting to garner votes from centrists and folks on the left side of the spectrum even though Mr. is probably the most conservative candidate of the entire seven running for two seats on the city council.
Brian Campbell also paid for the particular mailer.
There are plenty of big differences between Mr. Misetich and Mr. Campbell.
Brian Campbell did make a really ridiculous remark at the last candidates' forum, but he communicated his true feelings to me, a far-left progressive and a friend of mine who is probably more conservative than even Anthony Misetich.
Both myself and my friend were provided with information that helped us resolve our differences with Brian and my friend has stated he will be voting for Brian on Tuesday.
Brian is probably not at conservative as Mr. Misetich is. I feel strongly that if there are voters in Eastview, Miraleste, and other parts of Rancho Palos Verdes who want to vote for a more conservative candidate than many of the others, I feel you would be served very well by voting for Mr. Brian Campbell and NOT Mr. Anthony Misetich.
Oh, and another thing before I go further. Mr. Brian Campbell did not and does not support high density residential housing at Ponte Vista at San Pedro. Whether it is Senior Housing or not, Mr. Campbell has stated to me that Bob Bisno's plans were way out of line and completely unreasonable.

Anthony Misetich's support for Bob Bisno's plans for Ponte Vista at San Pedro needs to be included in your consideration in who you want representing you on the city council.
I have edited a Ponte Vista Newsletter from March, 2007 which includes Mr. Misetich's name as an Advisory Board member for Bob Bisno's plans to build 2,300 condos on the Western Avenue site.
Now Mr. Misetich may tell you that he only supported Bob's plans so that Senior Housing would be built there, but that has quite a few problems with it, by itself.
First and for honesty, I support SOME Senior Housing at Ponte Vista at San Pedro. I support that type of housing only in the context that it is part of a project that has NO MORE THAN 831 total units.
That number would be equivalent to the housing density at The Gardens, the large townhome development that has been successful for decades in northwest San Pedro.
Getting back to Mr. Misetich, you and Mr. Misetich need to know another fact.
As I worked to fight against a greedy over developer wanting to change OUR community forever, I asked fellow citizens of Rancho Palos Verdes and other places on The Hill whether seniors living higher on The Hill would move into Ponte Vista's Senior Housing.
I even asked members of Palos Verdes Watch, a fairly conservative group that opens its eyes and ears to communities on The Hill.
The statements made by very knowledgable seniors who I spoke to indicated that seniors currently living on The Hill have absolutely no interest in moving into Senior Housing units, eventually at Ponte Vista.
Now I asked lots of seniors from many different backgrounds, communities, and political views.
Why didn't Mr. Misetich learn that seniors he now wants to represent, pretty much have no interese in living at Ponte Vista?
Were the seniors Mr. Misetich wanted Senior Housing for primarily living in San Pedro?
What might that say about Mr. Misetich's real interest in serving residents of Rancho Palos Verdes who indicated in large numbers that they not only don't need or want Senior Housing at Ponte Vista, they don't want a giant development there that Mr. Misetich was on an Advisory Board to promote.
O.K., time to show you the edited image. If somebody doesn't believe me that Mr. Misetich was actually a Board member at one time, I can certainly Email them the entire Newsletter and others that have his name on them.
But as bad as it looks, it gets worse.
Here is a list of names of supporters of Mr. Misetich's campaign that also provided support, advise, testimony, and encouragement towards Bob Bisno's plans for Ponte Vista:
Rudy Svornich, Jr. Now this fellow not only supported Bob's plans, he was a paid lobbyist for Bob Bisno's endeavors at Ponte Vista.
Angie Papadakis and her son John. I don't know why so many Rancho Palos Verdes residents supported Bob Bisno. Perhaps Ms. Papadakis and her son don't live in Eastview.
Camilla Townsend. As Executive Directory of the San Pedro and Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, it is quite understandable that she would support Bob and other business interests. I just wish she would have considered the residents who just may stay away from downtown businesses even though we all need them badly to support downtown San Pedro.
Lydia Gutierrez, she was the Republican candidate to the seat Senator Rod Wright won with quite a high percentage of votes.
Bob Bisno finally filed bankruptcy and it has been reported that he was ousted from leadership in the Ponte Vista project last December.
The issues at Ponte Vista remain. We still haven't been given an update from the current development team as to the number of units they will apply to build.
What is important to remember is that why you break it, you buy it.
That is what folks should also consider when thinking about voting for Anthony Misetich.
Mr. Misetich bought for whatever reason, Bob Bisno's lines about Ponte Vista at San Pedro.
Those lines proved to be very, very wrong.
Mr. Misetich went directly against the thousands of Eastview, Miraleste and other areas' residents when he backed a developer who stated he know what was best for OUR community over what we know is best for OUR community.
I do not feel Mr. Misetich understood how frustrating it was to fight against Bob's plans, especially by so many of us who still live in Rancho Palos Verdes.
I do not believe Mr. Misetich's name is among the over 11,000 signatures on R1 petition forms people signed to keep an outrageous project from being built along Western.
Several thousand names on the lists are residents of Rancho Palos Verdes.
Mr. Misetich's recent actions and his support for Bob Bisno's Ponte Vista at San Pedro demonstrate that he is not someone who has earned the right to represent so many residents in Rancho Palos Verdes who felt stabbed in the back by Ponte Vista supporters.
Mr. Misetich should probably have spent the time he provided as Honorary Mayor of San Pedro on issues and activities in Rancho Palos Verdes. After all, he is not running for a seat on the L.A. City Council.
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