Rancho Palos Verdes lost one of its founders and also one of its greatest residents with the passing of Mr. John McTaggart.
He was a giant among those who served all of our residents and he represented our city with honor and dignity.
There is great sadness in the loss of a leader of our community and the only solice that I can find right now is that he was doing what I think he loved to do, representing us and trying once again sit on the council, when he passed away.
Mr. McTaggart was serving us on three committees even before and during the time he sought another term on our council.
So his service to our community continued long after he left the council and as our four-time Mayor.
Terri and I send our thoughts and beams of white light to Mr. McTaggart's family and friends and to all of those who knew of his service and his life.
Services are pending and you can check for further details on the Rancho Palos Verdes Web site at: http://www.palosverdes.com/rpv/
Below, please read from part of the city's Web site.
John McTaggart
1930 - 2009
Retired. Formerly Superintendent of Facility Operations, Hughes Aircraft Company
Community and civic activities and affiliations:
- President of California Contract Cities Association 2002-2003
- Alternate Member of Inland Empire Regional Composting Authority
- Board Member of MTA South Bay Sector Council
- County/City Liability Trust Fund Oversight Committee 1999-2003
- Rancho Palos Verdes City Councilmember since 1983 (Mayor 1985, 1991,1996 2002),
- Rancho Palos Verdes Planning Commissioner 1977-83 (Chair 1977)
- South Bay Council of Governments (Chair 1994-96),
- California Contract Cities Association (President 2002)
- California Marine Affairs and Navigation Conference Board Member
- Los Angeles County Integrated Waste Task Force
- West Basin Municipal Water Association
- South Coast Air Quality Advisory Council (1981-88)
- Southern California Association of Governments, HCED
- MAX Policy Steering Committee
Primary area of regional concern and years of involvement:
John was the President of the South Bay Cities in 1994 when it was determined that there was a need for a more focused organization for certain South Bay cities. The South Bay Council of Governments, which included sixteen cities, was formed and John became its first Chair. Between 1994 and 1996 John served as Chair while the COG reviewed the SCAG Subregion Transportation Plan and worked on other joint projects involving liveable cities, drainage problems and transportation issues. The South Bay COG has become a major regional planning organization and a strong contributor to the Southern California quality of life.
Brief description of John’s accomplishments:
John began his involvement in affairs of government when he represented his homeowner's association as a member of the Board of Directors of the Palos Verdes Peninsula Advisory Council, which consisted of over forty homeowners associations. He was the President of the Palos Verdes Village Homeowners Association in 1973 when it, along with the original Save Our Coastline organization, was successful in the incorporation of Rancho Palos Verdes. The newly elected City Council appointed John to the Planning Advisory Committee which later became the Planning Commission. The General Plan was designed during the first two years after incorporation. John participated in that effort, where he worked on joint subcommittees with members of the Council. John served a total of ten years on both boards and was Chairman of the Planning Commission during the Coastal Specific Plan design and approval period.
In 1983, John was elected to the Rancho Palos Verdes City Council. During his first term, John initiated a successful effort to get two million dollars from the State for landslide stabilization. Prior to and following his election to the City Council, John served on the South Coast Air Quality Management District Advisory Council for seven and one-half years. Presently, he serves on the Los Angeles County Integrated Waste Task Force as a representative of the League of California Cities. John has represented RPV on the West Basin Municipal Water Association since 1984.
John has been a member of the Rotary for 19 years, formed the first homeowners association in his neighborhood, formed a Boy Scout Troop in 1964 and was its first Scout Master.
Short summary of how John made a difference in the quality of life in Southern California:
John McTaggart's service to his neighborhood, City, the South Bay and Southern California has been continuous since 1964. Whether addressing problems of solid waste disposal and recycling, airport expansion, Sheriff Department liability issues or transportation, when the tough issues need discussion and resolution, John is always there. He is always informed, never misses a meeting and is always a major force. He is not merely a joiner, or another occupant of a chair, but is always outspoken and aggressive in helping to shape our quality of life. He is an example of the ideal citizen who cares about his neighborhood, his City and Southern California and is willing to work all day every day in any capacity, with recognition or without, simply to make life better for us all!
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