I don't know if Mr. Auerbach even knows yet how his quote is being used by Marymount.
Please, please, please don't be misdirected by reading Mr. Auerbach's quote and then thinking on-campus student housing, dorms, or whatever you want to call places on college campuses where students reside, has any relationship to Mr. Auerbach's quote.
Factually, honestly, and truthfully, it DOES NOT.
But this is not the first time Marymount representatives have used quotes out of context to attempt to sway voters and we have not heard one peep from Marymount's President or any of the members of its Board of Trustees concerning Marymount's misdirecting usage of Councilman Misetich's quotes on a previous advertisement and flyer.
Yes, I must question the dignity, honor, and forthrightness of Marymount's Trustees and its President for allowing these types of things continuing without any let up or even as much as a retraction, except for the very few when there more than obvious deception has landed them in trouble requiring new advertisements or court rulings not in their favor.
Recently also, Mr. Steven Kuykendall, a FORMER Rancho Palos Verdes resident attended a meeting where he did not tell the truth on some matters and practiced forms of deception all too common on Marymount's side of Measure P, The Marymount Plan.
We are now witnessing 'talking heads' being used (and probably getting paid) to offer falsehoods, misstatements, and deception on a scale that not even Bob Bisno got away with.
The only way our residents can stand up to the continual false mailers, deceptive advertising, misleading letters to the editors by Marymount supporters is to recognize first that placing student housing on Marymount's main campus is unsafe and the voting "No" on Measure P, The Marymount Plan.
I don't believe I am being punitive by calling for your "No" vote. I am being honest with my assertions that have still not even been questions yet alone challenged by anyone representing Marymount College.
Please vote "No" on Measure P, The Marymount Plan.
Safety. Everyone. Everywhere. Every hour.
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