Monday, August 17, 2009

August 18 City Council Meeting.....A MUST!

This Tuesday's City Council meeting may become one for the history books if all things are considered.

Not only might there be an appointment to fill the seat caused by the unfortunate passing of Dr. Gardiner, there should be some fireworks with other issues.

Terranea.....An ordinance was drafted to repeal the TOT Rebate program the Council approved on June 5. The city's Web site has access to the 12-page proposed ordinance and Staff Report.

Marymount....The Council may determine whether to approve or deny an appeal to the Planning Commission's decision concerning the Marymount College Facilities Expansion Project being brought by Concerned Citizens Coalition/Marymount College (CCC/ME).

I think it would be very important for all the candidates for the two seats being voted on in the November election to attend this meeting and offer their views on these important matters.

Here is how my thinking is currently going.

Mr. Jon Cartwright was scheduled to be the last interview of 10 possible appointees to fill the vacant seat temporarily.

Any one of the 10 would honor all of us with their service as they have honored our city in the past. If I got to vote though, I would ask Mr. Cartwright to take a seat on the Council.

I have always been very skeptical of the TOT Rebate and there really has been nothing demonstrated that would give me any warmth that the developer would ever pay any funds back. I am also hopeful but realistic about whether Terranea will remain open much beyond February, 2010 if it make it that far.

It was very sad to hear and read that City Council members became very frustrated recently with the decision they made because of some of the things the developer did not do.

Although I tried to place a last minute warning to them, which they all took time to defend on camera, it seems the yolks is on them right now and not me.

The good folks of CCC/ME got the biggest chunk of what they on campus housing. That really was a major victory for all of us living on the south and east side of our city.

Surely Marymount supporters will come back anew with demands for on campus residences in the future and the fight will continue as long as the campus is where it is.

It is time, I feel, to let the approved project's plans move forward. I think there will be great academic improvements made to the campus and there can be a community use of the new field and gym that could come along.

It would be great if each of the candidates take the opportunity to speak or create a page on their sites with their positions on these important issues.

We don't need to agree on anything, but I strongly feel if we all know where the candidates stand, it will allow us to vote for the candidates we are most comfortable with and who we feel have our interests in mind.

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