Sunday, February 13, 2011

Astonishing! Unbelievable! Inaccurate!

I was sent a copy of a mailer delivered to many or our residents, yesterday.

First, here is a comment sent via by Ms. Sharon Yarber of the No on C Campaign:

"Mr. Richards,

We have not sent out any mailer. If you are referring to a mailer sent by a union, please be advised that we had no knowledge that a mailer was being sent, had nothing whatsoever to do with its preparation and, indeed, have deliberately refused to accept any donations, whether of money or in-kind contributions, from any unions, as we refuse to be aligned with any special interest groups.

The union's mailer, like so many political pieces (including those sent out by the City in its "informational" materials, recent newletter and by the Yes PAC flier recently mailed) contains both accurate and inaccurate information. The NO campaign does not condone misleading or inaccurate statements and insists on scrupulously honest facts in our materials.

Thank you for your continuing investigation of the merits of Measure C. It is important for all of our residents to become well informed. Involvement in the political process is vital to remaining a free society. Apathy is our society's worst enemy."

I will offer comments about that mailer when I do some review and restore my skull to its former form, after peeling it off the ceiling because it exploded.

If you don't know that for approximately 27 years I was a proud member of the Communications Workers of America, now you do. I also was a 'casual' with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, IATSE, the union represented on credits for just about every T.V. show and movie you have seen shot in the United States.

To suggest or imply that I don't support unions and greater union membership and collective bargaining rights would be misleading, it would be a lie.

It is more conceivable to me that the opponents of Measure C I am considering in this post, would like nothing better than to use non-union labor for all municipal and business projects within our city, whenever possible.

Strange bedfellows is what we have here.

A Field Representative of the Construction Industry Force Account Council attended the last Charter City Committee meeting and I think I saw the same individual at a City Council meeting.

Folk, I have well established my very positive outlook on the need to have unions representing the workers in our country. I can always check off reasons why union organization built an America during the Industrial Revolution, that allow us to debate Measure C.

I have found the mailer to be far more misleading than anything written in our city's Spring, 2011 newsletter.

This is the United States of America in 2011 and if ANYONE uses fear and scare tactics against our voters they are misrepresenting what it is to be an honest citizen of OUR country.

They are doing the same thing foreign aggressors attempt to use against our Nation. Using fear and scare tactics is a form of domestic terrorism WE MUST NOW ALLOW!

I can make very good arguments to support and oppose Measure C, as you may have read. There is no fear or scare tactics used in my post considering why some might want to vote NO on C. But the No on C organization has demonstrated they would rather use fear as a weapon and scare voters to vote the way they want them to.

It is dishonorable to our city's citizens to have any organization stooping to the lowest levels possible to achieve their agenda of having the charter voted down. It has never been necessary and I have documented that repeatedly.

While I do not like this charter very much, I have offered my reasoning for voting Yes on it and I have done so without trying to scare anyone towards a Yes vote.

Rather than using real and true facts without demonstrating that our electorate is a pretty intelligent group of citizens, they are offering what can only be thought of by me as a 'doomsday' approach in order to get "No" votes from people.

I am not afraid of what might happen whether Measure C passes or not. I am not afraid of what I term 'back room bullies' trying to force our residents into having to live by means other than what might be best for all of our residents.

Again it may be repetitive, this blog carries an open and honest account of my life and if anyone can identify any hidden agenda they think I have, good luck, go ahead and try, and know there is no investigation currently underway by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's office or the Los Angeles County District Attorney.

Somebody somewhere, is communication with the group that paid for the ad. It is also true that somebody somewhere contacted Ms. Pence about the committee meeting. I highly doubt that anyone supportive of Measure C contacted Ms. Pence and the Trades Council.

If Ms. Yarber and the No on C campain thinks about it, they may wish to fund a mailer that offers condemnation of the recent mailer and contains open, honest, and truthful facts that support their group's opinion.

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