Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Janice Hahn: Good for R.P.V.?

I know we can't vote for Jane Harmon's replacement in the 36Th C.D.

But as citizens we can support candidates wherever we want. We can also oppose candidates running for offices where we can't vote.

Personally, I am pleased that Debra Bowen has entered the race for the 36th, but my general politics would be more pleased having Marcy Winograd run.

Whether Bowen and Winograd would be better for our city, is something I doubt during any first or second term.

Our Congressman, Dana Rohrabacher has visited the San Ramon Canyon area. His staff has been involved with our city's need to fund and have repairs made as soon as possible.

Our five Council members have the most complete knowledge of the issues of any elected representative.

Janice Hahn would be the 6th most knowledgeable elected official, regarding San Ramon Canyon and the Tarrapaca landslide area.

As L.A.'s 15th District Councilwoman, Janice and her local staff members have been dealing with San Ramon Canyon/Tarrapaca landslide for some years.

We learned recently that it could take somewhere in the neighborhood of 21 Million Dollars to make permanent and complete repairs to the drainage issues and to create a long-lasting fix to any idea that parts of the switchbacks might fall into the canyon.

Much of the area needing work is within our city. But there are also areas needing work within the city of Los Angeles, a small amount of unincorporated L.A. County, and on some private property.

No one governmental agency should shoulder all of the costs, but since so many of us pay Federal taxes, one source that should help with funding is the Federal Government.

Not all of our residents, or even residents of L.A. use Palos Verdes Drive East, 25th Street, and Palos Verdes Drive South. There are thousands of tourists and visitors every year who use these roads for a portion of their local driving.

Several major businesses need full and unfettered access to the greatest number of visitors, to keep their businesses profitable.

I think having Janice Hahn sitting in the House and working closely with our Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, would make it easier to gain Federal Dollars to see San Ramon Canyon and the Tarrapaca lanslide fixed.

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