Monday, November 8, 2010

Bits and Pieces 21

The Scoping Meeting for the new Notice of Preparation and Initial Study for Ponte Vista at San Pedro is this Wednesday November 10, 2010 at the Peck Park Community Center Auditorium. I believe it begins at 7:00 P.M.

My initial review of the numbers of the elements in each of the seven types of housing proposed for Ponte Vista's 61.53 acres can be found on my other big blog:, where I post much more information about matters revolving around the northwest San Pedro property.
Many of the residents of R.P.V. living here on the east side of The Hill may have a new view in July, 2011 of the U.S.S. Iowa that may become an attraction at or near berth 87 in the main channel.

While bringing a big Naval vessel to San Pedro as an attraction is a very good idea, in my opinion, I am among a very few folks who thinks another options of bringing to the harbor a different type of vessel as an attraction might offer so much more in the way of displays and opportunities by veterans of all branches of our military to be represented in a new historical attraction and education center.

Right now, the Amphibious Assault Ship, a small carrier, the U.S.S. Tarrawa, is awaiting final disposition, anchored in Pearl Harbor.

A ship or the Tarrawa class is actually a few feet shorter and just a foot or two narrower than the U.S.S. Iowa, but it and its sister ships have all kinds of room to offer displays and history from all the different branches of the service, not just the Navy and the Marines.

The ships making up the Tarrawa class will all be decommissioned in the near future because they are being replaced by the U.S.S. Iwo Jima class of ship.

A Tarrawa Class ship has a flight deck where aircraft from all branches of the military could become static displays.

If there is not enough room for all the aircraft on the flight deck, a ship of the class has a hangar deck to offer space for more aircraft or displays of land vehicles use by our military.

Further down towards the keel of the ship and at the stern is an amphibious dock that could display those types of craft.

All through the remainder of the ship there could be displays representing every branch of the military and other programs.

With the U.S.S. Iowa, the majority of the interest would be directed towards the U.S. Navy. That is fine, but having a Tarrawa class ship would direct interest towards all branches and veterans from all branches might be more interested in joining efforts to offer history and volunteer their time and efforts showing the greatness of the branch they served in.

I could find great enjoyment getting back to restoring and demonstrating some of the radios and other things I worked on while I was in the Air Force.

The offensive fire power of the U.S.S. Iowa was never more than a partial amount of offensive fire power a fully operational Amphibious Assault Carrier could put out.

Harrier jump jets had cruise missiles, but the Iowa didn't have aircraft other than a few helicopters towards its fantail, after the stern guns were removed.

While East Side residents may get a good view of the U.S.S. Iowa, which I would not mind coming here, I think San Pedro and all of us could get a bigger bang for our bucks and volunteer hours having a ship that could offer representation of all branched of our military.

I think there is still a healthy number of veterans from all the branches of service living on the East Side and all over the rest of R.P.V.
I am still flabbergasted with admissions from some at Marymount who claimed I lied and other opponents of Measure P lied,deceived, or made misstatements.

I do have to applaud everyone who hated the robocalls and I hated that our side stooped to needing to use them.

Had we been on a more fair playing field, those robocalls would probably not have occurred.

I don't know why were weren't singled out to receive robocalls from both sides, but that is no reason to be happy that other opponents had to endure robocalls from either side.
My new favorite question is; "Is he gone yet?". This is reference to when the time occurs when Dr. Michael Brophy is no longer Marymount's President.

Since he did a pretty smarmy attack job on myself, members of CCC/ME, the City Council, former Mayors, and other opponents of Measure P, his words and deeds reflect upon Marymount's Board of Trustees, and not in a good way.

I will be waiting almost impatiently to say the words of a convicted felon, when on the day of Dr. Brophy's leaving Marymount I will be able to say, "That is a good thing."


  1. With all due respect to Aircraft Carriers, the IOWA class Battleships also have connections with the other branches of the armed services. Their 16" guns protected Air Force planes by forcing enemy anti-aircraft defenses 24 miles inland. Also, just ask any infantry soldier how grateful they felt as those 16" rounds were flying over their heads to knock out positions in front of them.

    As for firepower, the IOWA class battleships also carried missiles in the 1980s. For example, they carried both Tomahawks and Harpoons.

    Lastly, you are correct that aircraft carriers do have large flat/open spaces to display things like aircraft. The USS Midway does a great job at this. But that's why the Pacific Battleship Center, the organization that is working to bring the USS IOWA to the port of Los Angeles, is building a land-based museum. Our goal is to honor ALL BRANCHES of the armed services, not just the Navy and Marines.

    Ron Ploof
    Dir. Communications
    Pacific Battleship Center

  2. Thank you, Ron. I don't have any objection to having the U.S.S. Iowa coming to San Pedro and I look forward to chances to volunteer.

    I do think a Tarrawa class amphibious assault ship provided better choices and more opportunities, especially combined with the large land-based displays that will greet visitors to the U.S.S. Iowa.

    My dad served for a very short time during his U.S. Navy tour on a battleship, so there is that connection.

    The U.S.S. New Jersey spent some time at Terminal Island and I was able to see it from back yard and it looked impressive.

    Is it certainly not a bad idea at all to have the U.S.S. Iowa coming here. I just happen to be of the opinion that a small carrier is a better idea and I know I may in the minority with that opinion.
