Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Robocall At 11:30 PM!

Today is very busy day for all of us.

I got an unexpected call a little while ago about a 'robocall' that was made at "11:30 PM last night urging voters to vote "No" on Measure P, The Marymount Plan.

After some checking with a group of my associates who are opposed to passage of Measure P, it appears to me that the calls were made by someone who may actually be a supporter of Measure P's passage.

I know of no one who is very close to the opposition 'leaders' of Measure P who would call our residents at 11:30 last night but one source who got a call from a victim of the late night 'robocall mentioned the name of "Steve" but could not confirm any last name.

Our city's Mayor Stephan Wolowicz recorded a call for distribution as a private citizen but when the victim was asked whether the "Wolowicz" was the last name given, that victim said it wasn't.

After working for decades with 'the Phone Company' there is probably not one person living on The Hill that hates 'robocalls' as much as I do and I am not a big fan of opponents' of Measure P utilizing that type of campaigning as one way to deal with the huge sum of money Marymount is spending trying to get "Yes" votes on its Measure.

I assume responsibility for being the opponent of Measure P who has attacked individuals and groups supportive of Measure P, more than anyone else who opposes The Marymount Plan.

I have been attacked in print and verbally as badly as I have given out, so all in all, it is a fair match.

But I surely would never stoop to a type of dirty tricks that would call someone so late in the evening and providing comments that are opposite of my real beliefs.

I can't confirm who made the late evening 'robocalls' but I know who did not have anything to do with them and none of the elected representatives or even former elected or appointed representatives of the city or any of its Commissions or Committees made those calls.

Whoever it was, it was a rotten thing they did and if and when we learn who it was, I will post that information on this blog.

If you haven't voted yet, please vote "No" on Measure P, The Marymount Plan.

Safety. Everyone. Everywhere. Every hour.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the absentees have been counted counted and it's promising:

    MEASURE P Votes Percent
    YES 1,877 44.03
    NO 2,386 55.97

    Registration 27,584
    Precincts Reporting 0
    Total Precincts 26
    % Precincts Reporting 0

    From the LA County Registrar at 8:20 PM. That is about 4200 votes counted, we will probably see 11,000 or so cast

