Thursday, April 1, 2010

Nipping A Potential PR Ploy By Marymount In The Bud

It is an undeniable fact that the majority of the members of the Rancho Palos Verdes City Council approved the construction of a new soccer field at Marymount College and within parameters of The Marymount College Facilities Expansion Project.

It is also an undeniable fact that Mr. Davis, the Attorney for Marymount College requested that the City Council ultimately deny allowing a soccer field to be built at Marymount College.

Anyone who states otherwise is not telling the truth.

The soccer field was approved for construction on the eastern side of Marymount's campus in roughly the same area as the current large playing field is located.

Marymount's Attorney for The Project went to the microphone just after the Council approved constructed of the soccer field and flatly stated that Marymount's administration will not build a new soccer field on the eastern side of that campus.

Marymount's President, Dr. Michael Brophy and others want a new soccer field approved on the west side of the campus.

Concerned Citizens Coalition/Marymount Expansion want to have a soccer field built at the off-campus student housing site named, Palos Verdes North which sits in the San Pedro area of the city of Los Angeles.

Here are some undeniable facts, no matter what PR spin Marymount Plan supporters try to put on the actions of the City Council.

The City Council DID NOT DENY the construction of a soccer field on the Palos Verdes Drive East campus of Marymount College when it made is finding during the period of time the soccer field was discussed.

The City Council COULD NOT MANDATE the building of a soccer filed on the college's off-campus housing site along Palos Verdes Drive North in northwest San Pedro.

Marymount's Attorney for The Project, Mr. Davis stood up and stated into the microphone that Marymount's administration and supporters REFUSE TO BUILD A SOCCER FIELD on the eastern side of the campus.

No member of CCC/ME, Staff of the city of Rancho Palos Verdes. members of the Rancho Palos Verdes City Council AND Planning Commission ever considered denial of a soccer field being built on the campus of Marymount College.

Marymount's folks simply do not like the location the City Council approved for the construction of the soccer field.

If you had seen Mr. Davis' reaction is was akin to what I can believe is a child's reaction that when the child is told that he has to play somewhere else in his back yard, he states that if he can't play exactly where he wants to play, he won't play at all.

I expect a full throttle approach by The Marymount Plan supporters to be just as deceptive with this as I have demonstrated they seem to be on other matters.

They may simply state that the City Council has denied the college the right to build a soccer field and use that to gain more sympathy for their cause and more support to have on-campus housing built at Marymount College.

This is, of course, not a factual depiction of the truth and what was voted on by the City Council.

It is more truthful for them to state that the Council did not approve having a soccer field built where Marymount wanted it so they have elected to not build on at all.

In a truthful and technical sense, the City Council ultimately approved a denial of a soccer field because allowing the approval to remain would have created a significant and unavoidable problem with potential parking spaces on the west side of the campus. THIS WAS DONE AT THE REQUEST OF MARYMOUNT'S ATTORNEY AND BY THE OPINION OF THE CITY ATTORNEY.

1. The Council approved the construction of a soccer field on the east side of the Marymount Campus.

2. Mr. Davis stated that no soccer field would be constructed on the east side of Marymount College.

3. With Mr. Davis' statement, the City Attorney concluded that there would be an added significant and unavoidable consequence to the Marymount College Facilities Expansion Project because parking spaces that were considered to be built on the eastern side of the campus would have to be moved to the west side of the campus, creating a significant view issue that could not be mitigated beyond the level of unsatisfactory and would have resulted in the Council increasing to three the number of significant and unavoidable issues that could not be mitigated to a level of less than unsatisfactory.

4. To keep the parking spaces from being mandated on the west side of the campus, the City Attorney gave the opinion that the only way to do that without mandating them by the use of the approval of a statement of over riding considerations, was to deny a soccer field completely so that no parking spaces would need to be mandated on the west side of the campus.

5. The City Council accepted the City Attorney's and Mr. Davis' opinion that the only way to keep the statement of over riding considerations from having the west parking spaces as an added issue, the Council had to vote to deny the construction of a soccer field on the college's main campus.

While there is now some truth to a comment that would state "City Council denies soccer field at Marymount College" it is only partially true and was accomplished at the request of Marymount College.

But I suppose that the PR spin has already begun and that few people will take the time or energy to learn all the facts before signing a petition.

I did hear a request by Marymount's Attorney to deny a soccer field being constructed at Marymount College and that the City Council approved Mr. Davis' and Dr. Brophy's request.

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