Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Pause To Review and Confirm

Last night I began considering that I should provide information about my position and affiliations I have and do not have regarding the issues surrounding Marymount College. So here goes.

I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of Concerned Citizens' Coalition/Marymount Expansion (CCC/ME).

I do communicate with several of that group's members when I offer them facts and opinions and I am provided with fact-checking and documentation I seek from their vast files that have been growing for ten years now.

I did not support the Appeal of The Marymount College Facilities Expansion Project and I was pleased that the City Council also almost completely denied the Appeal and approved the elements of The Project currently approved that is fairly identical to what Marymount College's representatives have been seeking.

I also continue to challenge their stance on The Living Campus/Academic Campus Alternative the group supports but which was also not approved of by the City Council on March 31.

I am not now, nor will I ever be a member of or have affiliation with "Save Our City III". (SOC III).

That new group will not take a position on support or opposition of both The Marymount College Facilities Expansion Project and The Marymount Plan.

The group is opposed to the particular initiative and seems to be opposed to the initiative process that focuses on only city-wide initiatives and/or business-created initiatives that benefit only the business or organization sponsoring the initiative.

I hold stakeholder status in all three of the Neighborhood Councils within the San Pedro area.

I was a Board member of The Mira Vista Homeowners' Association however, that organization has basically been disolved.

I was and still hold Board Member status with R Neighborhoods Are 1, the main opposition group to past plans for Ponte Vista at San Pedro condominium project.

I do have some affiliations with the Rolling Hills Riviera HOA which has the highest membership of the HOAs on the east side of The Hill.

I am a frequent volunteer at the Miraleste Intermediate School Library where I spend many hours assisting Terri, my wife and Melanie, her co-worker and helping to provide to the students the best library and textbook supplies possible.

I volunteer with two theatre companies providing set construction and stagehand support for a number of past, current, and future productions.

I continue to hold firmly that on-campus housing for students and staff at Marymount College must not be allowed or approved because of safety issues which I find cannot be overcome and I do not believe students, faculty, staff, visitors, residents, and others should be subjected to potential well-being concerns having on-campus housing along Palos Verdes Drive East would create.

I also have enough documentation, opinions, facts, and reasons to clearly feel that too many representatives of Marymount College and their supporters are not willing or able to discuss the many issues of both The Project and The Plan in a completely open, honest, and forthright manner. I can also point to a number of practices I believe can be viewed as deceptions by Marymount representatives seeking to achieve something they are not honestly presenting and for which they, in my opinion, are doing some harm to the residents of Rancho Palos Verdes.

Again to state my opinion that:

Unless Marymount representatives find a means and funds to build on-campus housing to attract a high percentage of out of state and out of country students of wealthier families to attend their programs, the college will fail again and will close its doors within the next 2-3 years.

I also feel strongly that Dr. Brophy, Mr. Davis, Dr. Soldoff, and others are not willing to be forthright enough to provide complete and open information to and consideration by the registered voters of the city of Rancho Palos Verdes concerning all aspects of The Marymount Plan and its associated initiative process.

I support reasonable, realistic, responsible and respectful development of residential housing and businesses and I consider myself a champion for Western Avenue in San Pedro and Rancho Palos Verdes.

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