Thursday, August 26, 2010

Let The Law Firms Make More Money

Mr. Paul Gough, an attorney with the law firm of Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk, LLP,
will be filing the Petition for Writ of Mandate today in the matter of Brophy v. Logan et al seeking a writ of mandate to amend or delete language from the ballot argument against the Marymount Initiative. At filing the case will be assigned to either Dept. 85 or 86 of the Los Angeles Superior Court located at 111 N. Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA and Mr. Gough will be appearing in either Dept. 85 or 86 (depending on the assignment) tomorrow morning, Friday, August 27, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. on an ex parte basis seeking a briefing schedule for the matter or an alternative writ of mandate. This notice is being provided because the named Real Parties In Interest in the lawsuit are the five city council members from Rancho Palos Verdes authorized to submit the ballot argument against the Marymount Initiative in Rancho Palos Verdes Resolution 2010-51. Mr. Gough is seeking advise as to whether any of the parties will be appearing tomorrow morning or if they will be represented by counsel at the ex parte hearing.

Since all five members of the Rancho Palos Verdes City Council are named in the lawsuit, whether they themselves are attorneys or not, means that at least up to five attorneys representing the parties could be present at the hearings, briefings, and other meetings, all charging necessary fees and costs to the city or the city's insurance carrier.

Are you still with me on Marymount's "good neighbor" claim?

Mr. Jeffrey Lewis, a find attorney in his own right has also agreed with me that it is not necessarily the right time to counter sue Marymount's representatives, but since it appears that Marymount is ramping up its fight with the city of Rancho Palos Verdes and by association, the residents represented by the five City Council members named in the lawsuit, it looks like all kindness, the prospect of Marymount really being a "good neighbor" and all future attempts to deal with The Marymount Plan as anything other than a special interest by a single business seeking a less-than honorable attempt to sidestep our residents wishes, is completely out of the window.

And it is not even Labor Day yet.

I know I have stated that my gloves are off and have been off for some time. I now hope that everyone else opposed to The Marymount Plan and opposed to the passage of Measure P will also remove their gloves and take this battle and all other battles out into the community and fight against what is becoming a seemingly corrupt organization's plan to take the rights bestowed on our representatives and place undo burdens on all of our residents, all just because of on-campus housing.

And now, for the next post.


  1. If you read the lawsuit, Dr. Brophy has asked for an award of attorney's fees. Those fees would be payable by RPV Taxpayers. Think about that next time Dr. Brophy claims that the Marymount Plan will be without any taxpayer dollars.

  2. Mr. Jeffrey Lewis has supplied the lawsuit document on his blog, Palos Verdes Truth and you can find the Adobe document, here:
