Friday, August 27, 2010

Ridiculous and So Far Beyond Belief!

An article appearing in Fridays Daily Breeze carries the following two sentences:

"This is the language that will be everywhere, in every voter's mailbox," Marymount President Michael Brophy said. "The college can't stand for there being misleading information in their mailbox."

Where, oh where, should I begin?

Marymount claims that The Marymount Plan will be completed at "no taxpayer expense". Those three words appeared already in mailboxes all over Rancho Palos Verdes.

The construction time for The Marymount Plan will be "36 months". That also appeared in mailboxes throughout the city.

If Dr. Brophy is to be believed, then Marymount's representatives have never mailed anything that could be considered untrue or misleading. Is there a rational person in the city of Rancho Palos Verdes that actually could believe Dr. Brophy at this point?

Passage of P allows Marymount the opportunity to build a state-of-the-art library and a recreational facility for use by all of the residents of Rancho Palos Verdes, as Dr. Brophy's argument in favor of P states.

No it doesn't. The passage or rejection of P has absolutely no factual bearing on the approval of a state-of-the-art library and recreation center that could be used by residents of Rancho Palos Verdes because those facilities and every other facility brought to a vote by Marymount College representatives have already been approved and the very statement that will arrive in mailboxes of residents and businesses in Rancho Palos Verdes if factually misleading on its face.

The gall of Dr. Brophy to claim he rejects misleading statements arriving in mailboxes is overshadowed only by the knowledge that he himself and/or others representatives of Marymount College are ready, willing, and wishing to do the exact same thing they feel those that Dr. Brophy is suing, are doing.

I have documented many statements that Dr. Brophy has NEVER DENIED being misleading and coming from those representing Marymount College.

Dr. Brophy has told me personally that he has not found any statement, assertion, or opinionated comment written by me that could be found to be misleading by him.

No other person claiming to represent Marymount College has ever contacted me in order to identify or condemn any of my writing for having any misleading statements about Marymount College, The Marymount Plan, or on any other matter.

Dr. Brophy and others, including the college's Director of Communications have commented that they are aware of this blog and I know for a fact that representatives and supporters of Marymount College read this blog, at least on occasion.

I suspect that even more folks associated with Marymount College, especially members of the college's legal team have read or will read posts and comments on this blog from now until at least November 2, 2010.

Councilman Stern, also within the article, mentions that he might consider that members of the public might fear making comments in opposition to Marymount's measure, at least partly because of the lawsuit Dr. Brophy is named as the Plaintiff in.

I hope and strongly feel that Councilman Stern is found to be completely wrong and that more and more residents of Rancho Palos Verdes will see what the lawsuit might really be about and that could be the stifling of speech and writing in opposition to Marymount's position and plans.

Naturally I will keep the article in my files and use it as I feel I need to.

I think reminding voters about quotes Dr. Brophy has made might be very important in measuring how far he would go to get approval to build on-campus student housing.

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