Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bits and Pieces 39

What is up with multiple days of blue skies even in the morning, this particular August?

I live on the east side of The Hill as I am sure you must know by now. We normally get very hot sets of days in August, especially here in the 'Eastview' area of R.P.V.

We don't have our houses along the coast and here we all live 'north' of 9Th Street at Western Avenue.

Some of us have views of the bay, the San Pedro Bay, but it is a long way off and breezes flowing from it to us are rare and too mild.

We do get the Santa Ana's though, but that's in our future September and October, usually.

I hope all of the readers of this blog that live in our city and especially on the east side have already considered the upcoming election to three new members of our City Council.

This election will see a massive change in the architecture of how our city is governed. Many will be glad to say good-bye to 'the liberal years' when Councilpersons Long, Stern, Clark and sometimes Wolowicz made some fundamental changes that many did not appreciate.

I do not believe the new Council makeup will go back to "the good old days" because Councilman Campbell and Mayor Pro Tem have 'earned their stripes' over the last two years and they care enough to work with other members of the Council in going forward.

But to be sure, the new Council will not be as progressive in city financial matters considerations.

Any new fees or taxes will have a much more difficult time being enacted, whether we like it or not.

I don't think the new Council makeup will go back to the times when our city's infrastructure issues were repeatedly placed on the back burner.

Whether anyone likes it or not, the cost of borrowing for things is at its lowest prices in decades and that will last for at least two years. The eight years we have been through recently have seen responsible fiscal oversight to the point we have a surplus most cities in the South Bay and California can only dream of. I think that will continue with the new Council members.

The Tri Art Festival is going to be held at the south end of the Ports O'Call complex, this year.

One disturbing think I keep hearing is that folks living on "The Hill" refuse to come to downtown San Pedro to become more involved in activities and shopping because of a fear of many living in the downtown area.

Moving the Tri Art Festival to wharfside should allow for those "Hill People" coming down, without fear, to enjoy an evening or afternoon of FREE art, music and dancing.

To remind everyone, the Tri Art Festival is the weekend of September 23-25. Attendance and Parking are FREE.

The weekend prior to that weekend welcomes the San Pedro Lobster Festival, in the parking lot at Ports O'Call. Lots of folks living in R.P.V. love eating lobster, so how about attending the one in S.P. rather than the one in Redondo Beach.

Youth theatre is really more alive and well all around our local communities. There will be productions coming up that showcase quite a bit of talent from young people who live in Rancho Palos Verdes and other communities nearby.

R.P.V. has some of the very best performers anywhere in Southern California. Curtains Up Productions, South Bay Conservatory, Putting On Productions, the new Scalawag Productions and the true depth of talent at our local schools is outstanding!

Tentatively scheduled for production in the coming months are at least:
"The Wiz"
"The Dinner Party"
"White Christmas"
"White Christmas"
"Sweeny Todd"-student version
and music, dance and theater productions at many of our local schools.

The Clearwater Program is still plugging along after many interviews were conducted with local residents.

There are four different 'alternatives' as to where the tunnel for the new Outfall System will be located.

Two of the alternatives still continue to be in places where deep shafts will be placed in one of two areas on the mainland, in San Pedro. These are the least costly but both of those tunnels will be dug near where the two existing shafts are currently located; under the Western Avenue area.

I am supporting, along with many other people, the placement of shafts on Terminal Island where truck traffic won't impede residential traffic in San Pedro and where there is a very close set of railroad tracks so that dirt coming from the tunnel construction can be taken away in a more environmentally-friendly manner.

I hope to see all R.P.V. residents at the September 7 Candidates' debate at P.V.I.C. beginning at 7:00 PM. The debate will be moderated by Councilman Brian Campbell and will be quite interesting.

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