Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bits and Pieces 40

SOME of the schools located on the east side of R.P.V. are back in session.


At the beginning and end of each school year at Miraleste I.S. I work in the library helping my wife Terri and Ms. Melanie Edelstein, the two library aides get the library ready, the textbooks issued and then help get the textbooks and other books back and put the library into summer vacation mode.

Today was the first day back for students at Miraleste and as usual, most of the kids and their parents got to the campus much earlier than we will see in a few weeks.

A 'normal' pattern will emerge for traffic and pedestrian patterns at all schools in the area and we will all 'settle in' to something approaching normal.

Opening day for some students at at least two of our intermediate schools didn't start off too well.

Some Eighth graders attending our three intermediate schools actually begin their schooldays at the high school in advanced placement classes.

As with the beginning of each school year, 'snafus' occur. The 'Zero Period' students received mixed signals as to whether they should have gone to the high school for their first class and then come back to their normal schools for the remainder of their classes.

Oops! Almost every student having a "Zero Period" class before heading to Miraleste I.S. missed their first day of class. We were also informed that this was probably the case for the majority of "Zero Period" students who head to Ridgecrest I.S. for most of their classes.

Stuff happens.

As for Crestwood Street Elementary School and Rudecinda Sepulveda Dodson Middle School, I don't think either of them are back in session, yet.

Still, when those two schools start welcoming students back, it continues to be the most important need to be careful.

For those eastern R.P.V. residents who remain bitter that we have two L.A.U.S.D. schools within the limits of the city of R.P.V. it is best if you try to be as calm as you can about that because there is really nothing you or anyone can do to have drastic changes made.

The only way we MIGHT see any types of change in the far, far future is if the student population of L.A.U.S.D. schools goes down, way, way down.

Neither L.A.U.S.D. or P.V.U.S.D. have funds to fight the lawsuits that would be filed should the two sites no longer have L.A.U.S.D. students able to attend them.

The demographics of the local L.A.U.S.D. area and the student population of communities around R.P.V. currently make it impossible to move enough students from Crestwood and Dodson to change their current status as opened schools.

Sure, it would be wonderful to lower the enrollment at Dapplegray by sending Eastview students to Crestwood. But as many as 80% of all 'our' students and especially their parents head towards P.V.P.U.S.D. schools.

IF fundamental changes were to occur with these two sites, I would hope that Crestwood would become a P.V.P.U.S.D. elementary school and the Dodson site would become a multi-use R.P.V. and/or County site for community classes, administrative functions and greater community recreational activities.

We'll all be long gone before my dream has any real chance of coming true.

For the time being, I am going to try to keep my "Bits and Pieces" post free from any and all information about the 'you know what' happening 'you know when' and involving up to eight 'you know whose.

The new Yogurtland is now open along Western in the Ralph's shopping area. We haven't tried it out yet, though.

We have heard and read that a Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf is coming as well as a Chipotle Grill. One is probably going to be in the Eastview portion of R.P.V. and the other will be nearby in San Pedro, in a shopping center along Western Avenue.

I sure appreciate all the folks heading to the Starlight Cinemas in The Terraces shopping center.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays the price for any ticket for a non-3D movie remains at $4.00 each! When attending a 3D movie, its just two dollars more.

If you are 55 years of age 'or better' all regular movies cost just $5.00 per ticket, any time.

The theaters are packed all day and well into the evenings on Tuesday and Thursday. I hope more than a few patrons also happen to stop by one our great eateries we have in R.P.V. and purchase lots and lots of food and drink.

As you probably know, the Goodwill Store has been open for several months and remains located between Bally's and Marshall's, on the topmost portion of The Terraces.

There are many clothing items for sale. I have found though, the prices are somewhat to much higher than what I see at the thrift store on the corner of Pacific Avenue and 6th Street, in downtown San Pedro.

With prices being higher at the Goodwill store, the options are greater there and the quality of items for sale appear to be higher, too. I guess it's a trade off.

For those "San Pedrans" who happen to have lived or are just moving into the eastern portion of R.P.V. take note; A new feature film will soon begin shooting in an area most of us know and have some, well how about we just admit that some of our memories of the place are not what we really would want to tell our grandchildren.

The working title of the film is "Sunken City" and filming dates are scheduled in more than a few places in the San Pedro area, including Sunken City.

Now another bit of reasonable trivia about Palos Verdes Drive South.

It should come as no surprise that if you have the fastest moving roadway in the Western Hemisphere, it is because our city has the fastest moving landslide area in the Western Hemisphere. The two go together like Mac and Cheese.

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