Here is a photo taken of Mr. Jerry Duhovic and the Curmudgeon.
There are lots of us curmudgeons in the city, of all political thoughts.
Jerry is NOT a curmudgeon and although I truly wish it should not happen in this election cycle, it 'appears' that he has gained enough support to now be more considered as one of the three who just might get elected to our City Council.
Jerry Duhovic is a good guy even though we are quite far apart politically.
I would much prefer a 3-2 split on the new Council having the expected majority to be much more conservative in nature than previous councils over the past 6-10 years.
Mr. Jim Knight is a very thoughtful individual who has always considered the residents of our city over business interests in our city which is not what one reads from a certain group's Web site.
Dave Emenhiser has the financial expertise in our city as a candidate who has more knowledge about our city's current finances and recent history as a longer termed member of The Rancho Palos Verdes Finance Committee, before becoming a member of The Rancho Palos Verdes Planning Commission.
We are going to have a 'conservative' majority on our Council. But having a 4-1 split in the other direction for about 8 years didn't help our city and that is one reason I truly feel that we really need a 3-2 split of very well organized members who have worked together in the past on other committees or commissions and who will provide a much better balance than what many others currently suggest.
I feel it is fair and safe to write that Mayor Susan Brooks is probably the front runner for a seat on the new Council.
I have been assured by Susan that she would not bring the 'Well when I was on Council we did it this way' type of approach and she certainly would not try anything like, 'When I was Mayor/Councilwoman I did this or that and that is why my experiences are greater than those of Mayor Pro Tem Anthony Misetich and Councilman Brian Campbell'.
And elected or former elected official who even thinks that Anthony and Brian haven't gone through all the mills, fires, and controversies without gaining the worthiness to now be called seasoned veterans on the Council should not be elected!
And that paragraph was just written by a progressive who does not agree with Anthony and Brian, about how things need to be done in our city.
I feel that the very conservative mindset of many in our nation has proven that that type of mindset is not helping our nation and stagnation by businesses and a do-nothing mentality by too many in Congress, has further impoverished those who cannot afford to loose even more money and jobs.
I am somewhat frightened about is that a 4-1 or even a 5-0 conservative majority Council will copy what we are currently seeing in business and Washington government, no matter what the candidates say.
Because, we've heard it all before and I am not wishing to head to our Council and have to ask, "Where are the jobs?" "Where are the infrastructure improvements?" How do we get where we need to be when little or nothing continues to be the course our city is taking?"
Thanks for the local coverage!
ReplyDeleteI am always happy to see fiscal conservatives in the race. I also support candidates who respect our right to live in peace, as long as we are not interfering with the same rights of our neighbors. Basic police and fire protection, traffic safety, waste collection etc. is needed, but we don't need local, state or federal government trying to micromanage our lives for us. Respecting that freedom and the prosperity it brings is one reason Palos Verdes is so special.