Thursday, September 8, 2011


Someday, I think we will learn why R.P.V. City Council candidate Ms. Cynthia Smith did not attend last night's Forum. I am sure others may now why she was a 'no-show' and perhaps she is no longer interested in campaigning for a seat on our City Council.

Someday, Mr. Eric Alegria will probably make either a very good R.P.V. City Councilman or a great R.P.V. City Councilman, I truly believe.

Someday, in at least four years, I hope Mr. Alegria will take another run at a City Council seat and if I am still living in R.P.V., I hope to place a yardsign displaying my endorcement for him, when that happens.

Someday, Mr. Alegria will use his background in service with other communities ADDED to his background of work and service to the residents and business interests in R.P.V. to gain enough votes to take a seat on our Council.

Perhaps Mr. Alegria is going to really make some positive differences for the benefit of all of us by first becoming a member of a committee or commission in Rancho Palos Verdes, just like most of the other candidates have years of experience on.

I liked some of what I saw and heard from Mr. Alegria at last night's Forum, but there are hundreds of 'little birdy tweetings' that also suggest he may be a great Council member in the future, he needs much more experiences here in the city he wishes to become a Council member of, this December.

Being a registered Democrat, I am pleased to see Mr. Alegria gaining one of the two endorsements given out by The Los Angeles County Democratic Committee and I hope he receives another endorsement in 4 or 6 years, when I believe, he will have 'earned his R.P.V. cred' by service to and for our community.

I wish just about almost the very best for Mr. Eric Alegria, his wife and family and to all who support him for a City Council seat.

Someday, I hope to be able to remove the "just about almost" from that previous sentence and offer Mr. Alegria my full support for his candidacy for a seat on our City Council.

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