Saturday, September 3, 2011

Mr. Jerry Duhovic's 'Issues' Page

Rancho Palos Verdes City Council Candidate Mr. Jerry Duhovic has published his 'Issues' page on his site:

The URL for Mr. Duhovic's 'Issues' page is:

Of the six remaining candidates I have not offered any endorsement of and for, I found Jerry's one I hope everyone reads.

I am still not to the point of endorsing any other candidate for a Council seat, other than Mr. Dave Emenhiser and Mr. Jim Knight, but I am intrigued with Jerry's candidacy, somewhat.

I do have some major concerns though, especially with whom he has had his name associated with and which groups might be supporting his candidacy.

I will write that feel that Jerry's site is more informative than the sites of several of the other candidates I was dealing with.

Would Jerry Duhovic fit in well with Dave Emenhiser, Jim Knight, Brian Campbell and Anthony Misetich? That is quite the question I need to ponder on.

I do know of some goings on that may be 'under the radar' and we will see about that.

I think having Jerry growing us where he grew up is an advantage to those of us living on the east side of Rancho Palos Verdes.

Perhaps I'll write a post about the twin LPG tanks that Jerry wrote about. I'll provide Jerry and our residents more information than they probably want to know and possibly we will see some of us leaving the area, in quite the hurry.

When the Environmental Impact Report comes out for the Ponte Vista at San Pedro development Mr. Duhovic also wrote about, I will be hitting the keyboard for and I think it will help our entire Council work as hard as our current Council members and our city staff has worked to make sure our residents are not as impacted as they could have been had prior Councils and our staff not helped to run Bob out of town on a rusty rail.

This is the Labor Day weekend, the traditional starting point of many campaigns for office seekers in November elections.

Where is Ms. Cynthia Smith's Web site?

If Ms. Smith is still in the election, the ballot will state she is a "College Office Administrator", according to the Certified List of Qualified Candidates. Ms. Smith is the only candidate to apparently not have a Candidate Statement, according to the List.

Please learn all you can about each candidate, if you wish and I strongly hope you learn as much as you can about the candidates you decide to vote for.

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