Monday, October 18, 2010

Turning A Tale By A Measure P Supporter

Ms. Erin LaMonte supports Measure P, The Marymount Plan. She has done so in words contained in letters to the editor of newspapers.

Here is a sourced quote from Ms. Erin Lamonte:

"...the elected officials, as well appointed Commissioners, have the responsibility to represent the residents of Rancho Palos Verdes and their wishes rather than the openhandedness of one."

-Erin LaMonte

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Well, according to Ms. LaMonte's other writings, she doesn't really believe what she is saying or writing, does she?

Naturally I have created this post to illustrate exactly what Marymount's representatives have done time and time again by using quotes out of context and not representing the whole truth.

But it also seems true that one particular Measure P supporter want city representation some times and not other times as far as development goes.

I think Ms. LaMonte and too many others take the hypocritical approach when considering what is better for our community.

As long as they like something, then bypassing the Rancho Palos Verdes Planning Commission and the City Council are fine, just don't bypass anything when they oppose something.

Adding sourced hypocrisy to misleading statements, misinformation, clear misstatements, and deception means another negative word now is 'owned' by some Measure P supporters and possibly by Marymount's representatives, it seems from reading official transcripts of meetings and other items.

I guess it all goes together with desperation and attempts to place onto the members of the community something they do not want and can't really afford.

Please remember the meaning of Ms. LaMonte's words; enjoy representation when something is opposed but do away with representation when something is supported.

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